Programs and Services
The scheduling of Enaahtig Healing Lodge and Learning Centre programs and services is based on calendar quarters that coincide with the natural rhythm of the four seasons. The scheduling and nature of activities within quarters will be similar for the most part, but will reflect some differences determined by the seasons and their traditional associations (see below). For example, during the summer, a special emphasis will be placed on programs for children and youth as reflected in a special one-week residential program for them, weekend retreats and increased youth activities (see below). Quarters will begin and end on the solstices and equinoxes.
Spring Quarter: Outdoor activities will include maple sugaring, crop planting, fasting, harvesting of medicines and appropriate recreational activities. The primary themes are the renewal of life and the mental aspect of our being.
Summer Quarter: Outdoor activities will include weeding the garden, some harvesting of crops and medicines, fasting and appropriate recreational activities. The primary themes are growth, maturation and the physical aspect of our being.
Fall Quarter: Outdoor activities will include harvesting crops and medicines, fasting and appropriate recreational activities. The primary themes are caregiving, personal reflection and introspection and the emotional aspect of our being.
Winter Quarter: Expanded emphasis on cultural and spiritual teachings. Outdoor activity will likely be restricted to winter recreation and the primary themes are wisdom, storytelling and the spiritual aspect of our being.
Enaahtig was created to address the healing and wellness needs of our community members, however we do not function as a crisis or detox centre. Should you or someone you know require those services, please refer to the list of other support services in our region.
Barrie Detox Centre
Kids Helpline
RAAM Clinics
Suicide Prevention

Enaahtig Outreach offers a range of support services to Indigenous individuals and their families. Services are available in office at home or in the community. Service providers will travel to the individual at a suitable location that works best for them.
Services provided include:
Individual mental health and/or addictions counselling
Systems navigation and referrals to community programs and services
Screening and assessment
Homelessness support
Opioid addiction management
The Enaahtig Community Mental Health Program provides mental health treatment, care and support to community members as close to home as possible in partnership with other Indigenous and non-Indigenous service providers (Shared Care).
We employ an Indigenous culture based approach built upon Indigenous best practices. Some of the types of services offered are:
Family Consultation
Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions Case Management
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Community Clinical Consultation
Frontline Worker Peer Support
Intensive and non-intensive Case Management
Community capacity building, training, service system liaison and networking
Screening and Comprehensive Assessments
Care Planning and Referrals
We also support
Families affected by mental health challenges.
Persons affected by Concurrent Disorders (a number of different mental health challenges at the same time; i.e. someone affected by a mental illness and a substance abuse problem).
Children, youth and adults needing aftercare.
Values underlining the Program are:
Cultural appropriateness
Respect for client choices and autonomy
Indigenous best practices
Shared Care
Strengths based assessments and intervention
Service integration and streamlined administration
Community based
Client satisfaction
Ongoing evaluation and research
Enaahtig was created to address the healing and wellness needs of our community members, however we do not function as a crisis or detox centre. Should you or someone you know require those services, please refer to the list of other support services in our region.
Barrie Detox Centre
Kids Helpline
RAAM Clinics
Suicide Prevention
Our new office location offers a wide variety of services for those in need of Justice Services.
Miikanaake Court Diversion Program
The Community Justice Centre provides court diversion for Indigenous youth and adults who are pre or post charge. Common diverted charges include: assault, domestic violence and theft. The Court Diversion Program uses Indigenous teachings and holistic approaches to support rehabilitation. This program implements a range of restorative processes to reduce future contact with the criminal justice system.
Clients involved in the program work with a Justice Worker and voluntarily agree to carry out a comprehensive plan that seeks to restore balance. This plan includes transitioning clients into culturally appropriate supports, such as counselling, traditional healing, justice circles and other programs offered at Enaahitg and rehabilitation services in the community.
Eligibility for this program is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Clients must consent to being diverted and attend all recommended programming. Clients must agree to take full responsibility for their actions.
Indigenous Youth Attendance Program
The Attendance Program is for Indigenous youth ages 12-17 years old. Youth must currently be on a probation order. The Attendance Program provides counselling and support to help reduce the risk of future involvement in the youth criminal justice system. This program works in partnership with Probation Officers and can provide support to youth in office, at the youth's school or in the community.
Indigenous Youth Reintegration Program
The Reintegration program is to support Indigenous youth who have been charged and served time as they transition back into the community. Clients learn the skills they need to make a positive contribution in their home and community. Client supports includes:
Personal Wellness Planning
Release from Custody Corrections Case Management
Eligibility for Indigenous individuals is someone who is over the age of 18 who has mental health or substance use related issues and are currently incarcerated.
The Release from Custody Corrections program works with Indigenous adult clients exiting Central North Correctional Centre for a voluntary short-term program of 6 months. Assisting clients who need to be connected with supportive services and case management upon reintegration back into the community. Referrals can be made through the C.N.C.C Discharge Planning Committee or byself-referral. The Case Managers provide wrap around support tailored to clients specific needs post incarceration.
Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin - I'm a Kind Man Program
The Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin program engages men and youth within Indigenous communities to speak out against all forms of violence towards Indigenous women. The program provides both individual and group support to men and youth towards identifying their role as survivor or perpetrator in relationships of abuse, and create a foundation for awareness and healing. The primary goals of the program are to:
Re-establish traditional roles of Indigenous males.
Reconnect and nurture cultural methods of healing.
Re-establish traditional teachings and responsibilities.
Inspire men to engage other men to get involved and stop abuse.
Support Indigenous males who choose not to use violence.
Gladue Aftercare
**Program information coming soon
Enaahtig was created to address the healing and wellness needs of our community members, however we do not function as a crisis or detox centre. Should you or someone you know require those services, please refer to the list of other support services in our region.
Barrie Detox Centre
Kids Helpline
RAAM Clinics
Suicide Prevention
The North Healing Lodge offers residential healing programs for adults and families using cultural and land-based approaches, located by the French River.
Program suitability will be determined on a case-by-case basis. It is recommended that participants attend the Adult Wellness Program before attending the Adult Trauma Program or Family Program.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have altered program dates to work around the restrictions. Unfortunately, this has resulted in some delays and a waitlist being created. We are doing our best to provide opportunities for healing and reduce wait times.
Residential Programs:
Adult Wellness Program
1-week duration
Voluntary (not court-ordered)
Beginning path of healing from adverse life experiences
Explore wellness management skills
Recognize strengths and build resilience
Cultural activities and traditional teachings
Adult Trauma Program
2-week duration
Voluntary (not court-ordered)
Safely process past trauma
Support healing from adverse life experiences
Learn healthy coping tools and self-care skills
Recognize strengths and build resilience
Cultural activities and traditional teachings
Family Program
2-week duration
Voluntary (not court-ordered)
Strengthen family relationships
Foster healthy communication
Develop skills to support family preservation
Cultural activities and traditional teachings
Enaahtig was created to address the healing and wellness needs of our community members, however we do not function as a crisis or detox centre. Should you or someone you know require those services, please refer to the list of other support services in our region.
Barrie Detox Centre
Kids Helpline
RAAM Clinics
Suicide Prevention

The Youth Healing Lodge has a 12-bed capacity (due to COVID-19 operating at a 6-bed capacity) for residential programs. All programming is traditionally focused and guided by Indigenous psychology principles, using cultural and land-based approaches. Essential to all programs is the integration of traditional, contemporary and equine-assisted learning. Our Youth Healing Lodge is a place where youth can connect to culture and discover ways to live a good life supported by staff trained in Trauma Informed Care.​
Residential Programs:
Youth Wellness Program
Ages 16-18
4-week duration
Individual counselling sessions
Equine Assisted Learning
Education credits
Youth Cultural Connection Program
Ages 13-15
1-week duration
Equine Assisted Learning
Non-Residential Programs:​
Day Programming
Community Yoga
Seasonal Ceremonies (in order of seasons):
Planting Ceremony
Harvest Ceremony
Sweet Water Ceremony
Horse Ceremony
Feast for the Ancestors
Fasting Ceremony
Sweat Lodge
Enaahtig was created to address the healing and wellness needs of our community members, however we do not function as a crisis or detox centre. Should you or someone you know require those services, please refer to the list of other support services in our region.
Barrie Detox Centre
Kids Helpline
RAAM Clinics
Suicide Prevention